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Phone: 570-747-4838
381 N. 9th Ave.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18504
Call Now: 570-747-4838
While no amount of money can ever replace your loved one, taking action against the party responsible for their passing might offer a degree of closure to those left behind. Ensuring justice is served could also furnish you with financial compensation to handle the expenses that came about due to your loved one's loss. In the process of lodging a wrongful death claim, Tullio DeLuca in Pennsylvania, an empathetic personal injury attorney, is dedicated to guiding you throughout every stage. Get in touch with him today to set up your consultation.
Contact Law Office of Tullio DeLuca to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 570-747-4838
If you suspect that a loved one's passing was due to negligence or a wrongful act, it's imperative to reach out to Tullio DeLuca, a personal injury attorney in Scranton, Pennsylvania, promptly following their passing. The events leading to their death will be more vivid in your memory, and this way, you'll avoid risking the potential expiration of the statute of limitations deadline. Usually, immediate family members, such as spouses and next of kin, can file wrongful death claims. If you belong to this category, scheduling an appointment with Tullio DeLuca is the initial move towards seeking justice. Connect with the compassionate Tullio DeLuca today.
A successful wrongful death claim, under the guidance of Tullio DeLuca, can provide surviving family members in Pennsylvania with a range of compensations. These may include potential future wages and benefits, monetary support for medical and funeral expenses and potentially punitive damages, where applicable. Other types of damages might encompass compensation for the loss of companionship, pain and suffering, and other losses that the death of your loved one has caused. Tullio DeLuca, located in Scranton, can personally sit down with you and your family to decide if a wrongful death claim is an appropriate course of action for you. Schedule an appointment with Tullio DeLuca today.
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Phone: 570-747-4838
381 N. 9th Ave.
Scranton, Pennsylvania 18504
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